Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 90 -31st March 2018 - Canada Geese, Lichen and Seed Pods

Here we are saying good bye to another month. March was much colder and winter like than February, so lets hope April is springlike. Up too early this morning - first time in at least 3 weeks. Mostly a wet and somewhat lazy day on Friday. I puttered around, made a carrot cake, did some housework, a bit of sewing. The rain stopped in the afternoon for a bit so I got out for a quick walk. Larry worked with his seedlings, repotting some then spent some time cleaning up in the greenhouse - getting it prepared for another season. Soon he can plant out there. Ours is a lean-to on the side of the shed and not quite warm enough yet. A game of Aggravation last night saw Larry as the winner once again, but we gave him a hard time before he managed to beat us. Off to do some birding today but have no idea where I want to go, guess we'll find out when we get to the intersection whether it will be east or west. And I suppose I've got to fit some grocery shopping in there somewhere too.

Canada Geese and Mallard 

Lichen of some kind, grows on the side of trees.

Seed pods are emptied, but green life will soon be springing from the ground.

Enjoy your day!

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