Saturday, March 24, 2018

Day 83 - 24th March 2018 - Ice, Canada Geese and Chickadee

Didn't take long yesterday for the snow to start melting, the road cleared quickly and by the time I got home in the afternoon it had started to leave the yard. There still is a fair amount but under the trees I can see green grass poking through and my tulips and daffodils in the flower bed. The sun has gained a lot of strength these days. It was a good day out, lunch and a few errands, first time I've been away from the hood in a week.  Mary won at Aggravation last night - every man /woman for themselves although Larry likes to try and talk everyone into an alliance of I won't kill you if you don't kill me. It never works, but we have a good laugh anyway. Busy day ahead, off to Barrington for shopping this morning, then a DNA workshop at the library and a going away party tonight. Thank goodness I'm feel back to rights again. Looks like a good day ahead for weather, small chance of flurries but sun as well.

Ice in the cranberry ditch

Kate & William


Enjoy your day!

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