Thursday, October 11, 2018

Daay 173 -11 October 2018 - Asters, Caterpillar and Hermit Thrush

Wednesday was a great day to be home - weather was perfect - temperature somewhere around +27. I buzzed around doing up some chores and crossing things off my list - a few at a time. Most will wait til next week. Think I've bruised or cracked a rib again - doing laundry is dangerous.  Some rain during the night lots more on the way for today and tomorrow.  Swamps, rivers and lakes are filling up. Today is Thelma & Louise day - will be glad when things return to normal and we can get back to our regular Friday outing. It helps me keep track of the days! I've still got a number of things to get done around here today so I best get my coffee into me and get started.

Wild Purple Asters

Woolly Caterpillar - seeing quite a few of these around

Hermit Thrush

Enjoy your day!

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