Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 64 - 5th March 2018 - Purple Finch, Lichen and Chickadee

Sunday was another windy day and it's still blowing this morning. The stars and moon are out but dark clouds are scurrying across the sky. Looks like we'll have at least another day of winds and storm surges along the coast. I did my usual lunchbox prep on Sunday - a new chicken, red peppers and cabbage stir fry for Larry with sides of quinoa and veggies. Seasoned with ginger and roasted garlic it has good flavour and not fussy to do. Larry worked at splitting wood, put some away in the wood shed and some in the basement. He's happy with the new splitter. I went roaming after lunch, stopped at Lois' for tea and we were thrilled to see our first Purple Finch since last spring in with a flock of Goldfinches. Later she saw a Great Blue Heron fly by the cove, so I went searching for him but had no luck. Today is tackle the kitchen and pantry day. Back to the spring cleaning.

Male Purple Finch and Goldfinches
 Lichen on the side of a tree.

A Chickadee rests away from the wind.

Enjoy your day!

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