Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 140 - 30th June 2018 - Cedar Waxwing, Jellyfish and Porcupine

It's the last day of the month, good bye to June, you sure flew by. Another one of those too early mornings and sleepless nights. Glad I've got a couple days off after today. I'll probably sleep walk through work. We've had a bit of entertainment at work the last few days.  Robins are building a nest in the Lilac Bush next to the staff entrance. At this time of the season, I'm assuming it's a second nest, but it's been fun watching them gather bits of wool, old man's beard and other stuff from the yard and put it together. Not sure how friendly they are going to be once they have young and we are trying to get in and out of the building. Kind of misty/foggy out there this morning and the humidity feels high.

Cedar Waxwing


Porcupine on an morning stroll.

Enjoy your day!

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