So yesterday was an awesome day at work! Everything went well, people in, got the work done I wanted to. Life was good! I think it's the change in the air temperature or maybe that blue moon is working with me. Never can tell. I did have to go back for a meeting at 7pm and didn't get home until 9, so pictures are pretty slim this morning. Got company coming on the weekend, will enjoy an evening with some very good friends...but don't say anything - I haven't got Dorothy's birthday present ready, will have to take it when we go to their place, hopefully in October. By that time it will be ready to take their Christmas present! Friends don't mind when you are slack. Or at least I hope that's the case. They just accept you for who you are!
Well I hear Lexi trying to wake Larry - he's not going to be happy since his alarm won't go off for another 15 mins. Time to get moving. Enjoy your day!
Yes a true friend accepts us for who we truly are in my case "they have the patience of Job" Glad you had a great day at work yesterday and that you wil gt to share the weekend with a good friend who I am sure will leave with a very happy belly. Have an awesome day and thanks for the picture of the park "I am home sick" since we spent about a month and half there :)