Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 220 - 7th August 2012 - Flowers and Hummers

Back to the office today, it was nice to have a long weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed the extra day. Now that we've got the bulk of the cleaning done, time to get back to some research and other things. Have a lunch date with some highschool chums. Some I see on a regular basis, but others it's been a number of years. I wonder how much we've all changed over the years? It will be fun I'm sure, some laughs, lots of chatter and kidding.
Yesterday remained dreary and humid most of the day, threatening to rain but never happening, finally by late afternoon the sun broke out for a while. Lexi and I spent the bulk of the day catching up on housework, baking cookies, all that fun stuff.
The flocks have been looking  really good, but...
alas the flowers have begun to drop.
This coral color Glad has finally opened up, love the shade!
I really need to save the labels from the bulbs I plant. These are some more I put in this spring.
A little something growing in the grass. Wonder if it has any magic qualities  - just kidding!
I spent some time enjoying the humming birds from the kitchen window.
I think she's waiting her turn.
Off she goes!
In for a landing.
Not sure if you can tell, but there has been a wasp /hornet threatening the poor little hummers all day. How do I get rid of that?
I get a little carried away with these guys, but you know another month and they will be gone till spring again.
Well time to get moving. Enjoy your day!


  1. Carried away lol you never .......I always enjoy the photos of the little creatures taken by a little creature lol "I could not resist"

  2. hmmm you baked cookies how did I miss that comment
