Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 240 - 27th August 2012 - Blooms, Watering Can and the Lake

So we are Monday bound and back to the work week. Slept like a log, so should be in good spirits today.I'm thinking that poor Monday gets a bad rap, not his fault that he's the first day of the week!  Lets start this week off with lots of wonderful positive thoughts, as negativity breeds negativity. Even if we think things are terrible we are always better off than many. Good family and friends. I have lots to get through today and the rest of the week promises to be busy.

Sunday was exhausting. It was our turn to work the Fire Dept. breakfast - probably would have been one of the busiest if the power had not  gone off 2 hours in to it. A lot of people that we had to turn away hungry, but nothing we could do about it.  The boys went to the wharf mackerel fishing, home for lunch off again to play elsewhere. Of course my job seemed to be kitchen and cooking related! Oh well it was all fun and we got a big job done this weekend. So happy with that, and the water pressure is so much better! Headed to bed very early.
One of my roses, still blooming.
Apples are looking good.
A little Queen Anne's Lace.
Still have lots of these daisies.
Watering can got a lot of use this summer.
Beautiful day on the lake as usual!

 Almost time for the rest of the household to get up, but I need another coffee, so off I go. Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I think I have this BB fixed lol. Beautiful shots. What kind of apples Billy can't wait for gravestone lol loves them when they are green and tart. They should soon be out. I like you am planning for a productive day. Staying positive. See you sometime today
