Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 279 - 6th October 2015 - Sunrise, Hermit Thrush and Yellow-Rumped Warbler

A nice morning - stars and moon are out with a few clouds rolling by.  Promises of another good day. Work today - things are looking better, only another week after this and I'm done my regular hours. Making headway with getting things done and cleaned up.
A lovely fine October Monday - still wearing sandals, hope this keeps up. I enjoy the cooler mornings and days that warm up this time of year. Everything is fresh and crisp. We've not built a fire on yet in the furnace although the house is a bit chilly in the evenings. In the spring and fall our house never seems to warm up a lot; I'm happy to throw a sweater on. Had a good day at work, mostly quiet - things accomplished.  Good walk in the morning, not a lot of birds around until I was near the end, then  a small flock of Chickadees, Palm Warblers and Yellow Rump Warblers appeared. Exercise class last night - a good workout, getting back in the groove of that too.
Sunrises over the lake in the fall are spectacular.
I love the soft hazy colors.
And then a burst of light.
Hermit Thrush - a few are still around.

Yellow Rump Warbler hiding in the tree.
There were several Palm Warblers - neither were in to posing for photos.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Love waking up and seeing a picture of the point. How many hours did I sit on that rock as a kid and ponder life. I sure wish I could do it again. Thanks Kim
