Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3 - 3rd January 2015 - Sparrow, Chickadee, Hydrangea and the Lake

Oh I've slept in this morning, nice change since it doesn't happen too often ( 6am). Brr... it's cold too, temperature is -11 and I don't think its suppose to warm up a lot today, only to -8 ish. Hopefully the sun will fool us into thinking it's warmer. I have no idea what we are doing today (what we are doing and what I want to do are two different things I think). I had thoughts of birding, Larry is going to help someone set something up. So  not sure how long he'll be. Have a turkey to cook today - don't scream - we didn't have leftovers because we went to Mom and Dad's and I'd really love some Turkey soup or casserole early next week. I would cook it on Sunday but I'm not taking a chance with the power/weather. The snow and rain are nothing, it's the ice pellets in the change over that will cause us grief if any. So get ready just in case folks!
It was nice to see a drop in gas again this week when we went grocery shopping today. Groceries of course never go down. But I'm sure it helps a lot of people out, especially with winter and those that buy oil for heating and gas for driving. It's great for us especially with only one of us working and allows us an extra jaunt now and again. It was a beautiful morning Friday for walking, wasn't as cold but totally peaceful. I had missed those that go to work so met no one, although at one point I was wishing someone would drive by or I had Lexi as I heard something. But I convinced myself that it was the ice getting comfortable in the swamp and not a coyote. I've not seen one in that area, but someone of course said they heard one before the holidays and I just don't find them trustworthy!
A bright orange piece of flagging tape hanging from a limb.
  It was so quiet on my morning walk, the lake is covered in snow.
 Branches are dipped in white too.
 Clouds were moving out.
 The sun was trying to clear the clouds.
 A Sparrow was singing at Lois'.
 At my feeders the Chickadees were all out.
I never get tired of enjoying the Hydrangea, no matter what the season.

Enjoy your day!

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