Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 152 - 1st June 2014 - Butterflies, Lilacs, Birds and Sunsets

Should be another nice day, the sun is lazy behind clouds this morning but it will come out eventually. Guess we'll probably be close to home again, busy week coming up so I need to do some things here. Of course that doesn't mean I won't be out roaming a few times.  Larry's going to be between the wood pile and the garden I think and we've got a turkey to cook later for meals this week. I think we'll just let the day take us where it does.
Beautiful Saturday. Sun was out, temperatures were up there and a gentle breeze - actually felt like summer. We hung close to home, Larry in the wood pile, me roaming the hood and doing a few things in the house. We did run to town and do groceries, a quick trip for sure. After supper we drove over to Upper Clyde to visit with friends. Had a lovely evening there. I should have roamed a little more there as I saw something yellow in a tree but was too slow getting out to catch it. Lots of Tree and Barn Swallows zooming through the air catching flies.
 Butterflies and Lilacs
 and Bees. There were lots of bees in all the blossoms around the yard.
 Not sure who this guy is, maybe I'll figure him out today, but it's not a great shot with that branch in the way.

 American Redstart in the backyard.
 The Cedar Waxwings hung out in this one tree most of the day.
 Found this egg shell on my roam at Upper Clyde.
Barb's Bleeding Heart is beautiful. Every flower seems so perfect.

And the setting sun ending our visit.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow the bleeding heart is girgeous...lilacs in bloom? Mine are doing nothing :(
