It's Tuesday morning and life is back to normal here at home - yes I'm up at 3:30am - groan! Lexi and I will definitely be down for a nap today. Guess the first thing I better do though is get ready for the storm, although I did haul out a few of my lanterns last night before I went to bed just in case the power was out during the night. So far so good. I can hear the wind this morning and the sky is so bright from the full moon but doesn't look or sound like it's raining right now. Sounds like we will get a fair amount of wind and rain. Tomorrow is also the 21st anniversary of
The Perfect Storm which was a Halloween nor'easter that absorbed part of Hurricane
Grace. Last year it was another Halloween nor'easter and we got snow, parts of the New England States were hit hard, but thankfully in Maine it wasn't too bad. When you come from a fishing area nor'easters are the ones you hunker down for. They bring the worst of the weather, in the winter it's snow storms, but it's their strong wind that creates havoc. Hopefully all boats are in and secure and Hurricane Sandy is easy with us.
Yesterday was a long day, got through customs with out issue, which in itself is a feat if you've had 50 women shopping all weekend. But now that they've raised the amount you are allowed no one was over their duty free allowance. We were the first of probably 5 tour buses to go through so being the early bird has it's advantages. Got home around 4:40pm. I may have cracked the shoe addiction as well, only came home with one pair of trainers which I had on my list and there were lots of footwear on sale, especially boots! But I resisted!
A dismal day deserves a bit of color. I'm sure there are no leaves left now.
A sunrise from earlier this month.
Missed the lake when I was gone, but since it's suppose to be miserable the next few days guess I won't get any good shots.
Getting ready to jump the windfall.
Next year will bring us more fall colors, but throughout the winter we can have memories of this season.
Well, the coffee cup is empty, time to take my turn at scrabble and better take some butter out as I'm sure I'll be making chocolate chip cookies this morning. Enjoy your day!