Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23 - 23rd January 2012 - Taking a Break from the Report!

The temperature is -13, another cold morning, but looking at the weather forecast it's suppose to get milder this week; I see rain in our future - not that anyone is surprised by that! Back to the work week folks; how the weekends fly by.

Today, I've got to get down to some serious work on Water st., some research for folks and another project I need to work on  since I want the first part off my plate within the next few weeks. I find it a little difficult to get moving on that one, but I really need to make some headway. It's a 20 pages report thats required, then marked and an exam to follow. Sort of like being back in school. I'm working on my certification as a genealogist and I find this a bit daunting even though I've been doing it for a number of years. I guess it's just the studying part that wigs me out; when we have spent years away from an envirornment like that it's hard to get back into it. It shouldn't disturb me since I've been doing the work on a daily basis and it's nothing I don't know............I hope!

I think I've had brain blockage today, my work has not gone well. For some reason I can not seem to figure out the right way to do online source citations! Have ordered a book on citations so when that comes I should be ok. So for now I'll add the barebones, but today I've had enough, me and it needs a break from one another! I'm sure everyone has days where they need to walk away, be it from bookkeeping, a project around the house, whatever. Sometimes just by leaving it for a while and coming back later it's all crystal clear. That's my plan today. I have lots of other things to tackle.
I did take a short walk, the skies are turning grey and it's getting overcast and the wind seems to be picking up, guess our snow will soon leave us. It certainly has gotten milder, the temperature is reading +2.3.

I like this little bench, it sits all alone in the snow
next to a neighbours driveway, lonely waiting for
spring to come again and someone to sit on it.

When the water is lower in the lake you can actually walk out to this little rock island, but for now it is surrounded by ice. It looks to be mostly made of rocks, but I guess there must be a little bit of ground there to hold it all together and for the trees to grow.

Back to work, enjoy the rest of your day, for those working - the first day of the work week is almost over and you've made it!

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