Sunday, January 1, 2012

1 January 2012 - The New Year has arrived

The New Year has arrived, with grayness in the sky, a bit of wind and a temperature of 3.3 - not exactly what you would call winter weather as is evident in my Daphne which has decided to start blooming several months early! Also bulbs have started to poke their head through the ground that I planted in October.

My original intent or I might say one of my New Year "Resolutions" was to create a 365 photography project or in the case of this year 366 [February has 29 days!] and a blog,  so I've combined the two promises. Maybe throw in a few interesting tidbits here and there - some history, or whatever springs to my mind. So I googled to see what was happening on 1 January 1961 - the year I was born - nothing earth shattering I'm afraid but here is what Wikipedia had to say -
The British farthing coin, used since the 13th century, and worth 1/4 of a penny, ceased to be legal tender. Australia became the second nation to permit the sale of the birth control pill, and the first to allow the Scherer oral contraceptive, with brand name of Anovlar. The G.D. Searle pill Enovid had been permitted in the United States in May 1960.

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