Thursday, January 31, 2019

Day 31- 31st January 2019 - Evening Grosbeak, Blue Jay and Starling

Here we are at the last day of the first month of they year - that flew by! It's cold, -5/-6, wind is blowing and it's snowing.  Looks like we'll have cold and flurries for some of the day. I'm off to the dentist later, this is the day to get rid of the bothersome tooth. Maybe I''ll buzz around and do a few things this morning because I'm sure later I won't feel like doing a lot. I hate the feel of the freezing coming out.  Had a good day at knitting, always fun, lots of laughs and I love to see everyone finish projects and start another. Yarn is so different now than it was almost 40 years ago when I was doing a lot of  knitting. Some of it is makes up beautiful patterns and it's cool to watch it knit up. I'm knitting hats and headbands with faithful Briggs and Little wool, hopefully will have a good stock of them done to sell in our gift shop when I go back to work for the season.  Feeders were busy again yesterday morning. Had a few stray Starlings stop in.

Blue Jay
 One of the Evening Grosbeaks, waiting his turn

Starling - I rarely have them in the winter months, but every once in a while a few will stop in.

Enjoy your day!

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