Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Day 186 - 24th October 2018 - Giant Machinery, Bison Monument and a Spruce Grouse

Tuesday was mostly a day of rest. After a whirlwind weekend of activities and the drive to Fort Mac everyone was pretty tired yesterday.  We lazed around in the morning then did a short afternoon trip to see the "Giants of Machinery" and the Monument to Bison. We also saw where some of the big wildfire had been a few years ago  - trees that were burned, makes you shiver to just think about that summer. I've been out on a short roam of the hood, also checked on e-bird to see if there were any birding spots within walking distance. Since the kids are both working today Big B and I might just do a couple of jaunts on foot. Remembering to take my cell phone, I don't get lost in the woods (as a rule) but subdivisions and urban settings get me all turned around. The Bison Burgers were fabulous last night - so lean and tasty, Justin did them on the barbecue and Mom did taters in the air fryer to go with them.
 Checked out a trail and found this Spruce Grouse.
 Monument to Bison - it's huge
 They don't lie when they call this equipment "Giants"

Enjoy your day!

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