Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 164 - 2nd October 2018 - Eagle, Kelp and Northern Harrier

Dark skies with no stars this morning, I'm up way to early (4:30am). Rainfall warning for the next few days, my well is still in need. It's coming up, but slow and steady. Thankfully it didn't drop as low as the drought of 2  years ago. Deer in the yard this morning, I spooked them when I opened the back door earlier. Must be enjoying the apples since the garden is more or less finished for another season. We have tomatoes ripening in the kitchen, waiting to make sauce from them. Larry went to bowling last night, after nearly 25 years he's taken it back up, but poor guy is having a hard time - he's not playing nearly as good as he used to. I tossed together a turkey casserole for upcoming suppers and then picked up my needles and knit for a while.
Northern Harrier was hunting along the dunes

Enjoy your day!

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