Saturday, January 6, 2018

Day 6 - 6th January 2018 - Pine Siskin, White Throated Sparrow and Goldfinches

The day after the storm although by mid afternoon we had quite a bit of snow coming down - white out conditions around supper time. Still a few flakes in the air this morning. Thought about going to town, but then...passed on that. Will run in this morning - don't really need much besides milk but Larry broke a saw blade so wants to pick up a new one - he's doing a few projects, one being bird feeders.   I hope I'll get one of them this time. The birds were in a total feeding frenzy yesterday, in fact you could walk out on the deck next to one of the feeders and they just ignored you. A flock of almost 50 Goldfinches finally included a Pine Siskin. The forecast says more flurries for today.

The first Pine Siskin of the season on top of the Christmas Tree.
 A Goldfinch perches on a fence post in the wind and snow.
 The White-Throated Sparrow lurks in the bush waiting for the feeder to be free.

 A flurry of activity in the feeders
and Christmas Tree - Goldfinches.

Enjoy your day!

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