Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Day 279 - 10th October 2017 - Mallard, Leaves and Reflections

We had a good day at home on Monday. My day starts early so I get a lot done by 9am. Laundry, some "light" housekeeping, etc. Larry is getting shack wacky and driving me a little nuts but that will pass...I hope. It was a good time to dig out a jigsaw puzzle and set him to work on that, at least a bit of inside entertainment. Took him out to play in the traffic a couple of times and we got chased by the neighbour's goats - always interesting in the country. Larry was fine, but I'm not a fan of one goat since I had a altercation some time ago with him. Anyway we were rescued and went on her merry way. I did get out on my own for a stroll around the hood. The colors are lovely around the lake and walking on the road. I wasn't sure they would be this year but the reds, oranges and yellows have popped.  Made up a fish chowder and biscuits and invited Margie (aka Louise of Thelma & Louise) up for supper.

Female Mallard

 Beautiful colors
Love the reflections in the lake

Enjoy your day!

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