Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 243 - 31st August 2015 - Red-Eyed Vireo, Sunflowers and Common Yellowthroat

Here we are at the end of another month. The year is slipping by quickly. School will soon be back in signalling the end of summer. Actually September and October can be our best months and my favourites. However, it also means the Warblers are leaving for warmer spots to winter and it doesn't feel like I've had time enough to chase them or the shorebirds. It's a work day, time to get caught up on some things from last week when I was off.
Sunday turned out fine and warm, think the humidity might have been a tad higher than the last few days, but not uncomfortable. Larry worked the breakfast in the morning. I dragged myself around the house doing a few chores then sat down to do some photo editing, etc. Most of the day I spent at the computer, but the project is done and hopefully the client is happy with the photos. The basement is beginning to get piled with wood for the upcoming season. Larry's making headway with that chore. Even though we were late getting wood this year, I think we are almost caught up - or at least close to where we would be at this time of year.
 Everyone was hiding under leaves between branches, but the Red-eyed Vireos were very vocal.

We ended up with too many Sunflowers in the garden - compliments of birds and squirrels.
Common Yellowthroated Warbler.
A glimpse of the sun through the trees.

Enjoy your day!

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