Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5 - 5th January 2014 - Sunrises, Fences Shadows, Lake and Birds

Sunday morning and I'm still up at 5:30 am, well I did go to bed early and feel rested so I guess it really doesn't matter. Temperature is 0.2, pretty hard to believe. Should be mild the next few days. Might even be a day to get away from the hood for a few hours and explore somewhere else, but who knows, too early in the day to make plans. This is probably going to be my last really lazy day, tomorrow is Monday. I'm not back to work but there are things that need to be done around here - winter projects - and it will be time to dedicate some time each day to them. It's the winter to get things crossed off the "winter" list of things to do.
Saturday was a much nicer day than the last few have been. Of course it was a shovel out clean up kind of day. Temperature even rose up to -5. Rah!  Almost a heat wave. It was a good chance to get around the hood and see what was going on. I actually went out the first time shortly after 7 am to catch the sun coming up, then again around lunch time. The trees are beautiful all covered in snow the the sun shining down on them. Mixed up some dough in the afternoon so we had home made pizza for supper - getting to be too much of  a habit but so good. It really doesn't take that much time (the only time is in the dough rising) and there are leftovers for lunch on Sunday.
 It was -10 or colder, but no wind so I didn't mind it too much.
 Such a beautiful morning.
 The sun finally broke through.
 This is kind of cool, the fence shadow on the snow.
 An old wheel in one of the flower beds.
 Guess I won't be sitting in this listening for birds anytime soon.
 The lake is full of drifting snow, like moon craters. Hard to tell where the land ends and the lake begins.
 The birds weren't so frantic, they stopped and enjoyed the sunshine.
 Even this Robin was singing, maybe he knows something that we don't.
 Downy Woodpecker.
 Looking a little happier yesterday.
 Fresh snow with no tracks or disturbances - perfect.
Not a great shot - he was far away but a Hooded Merganser - first one I've seen this year. Earlier than last year (February).

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Not a good sign when I recognized the Downy Woodpecker before scrolling down lol. I am trying to out things away (trying not to curse) the trip to Jacki's put me behind but I am so glad I was there to weather the storm with her. The stuff always gets done although I wonder why so much work for such a short time! Have a good day and put the sunscreen on
