Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 212 - 30th July 2013 - Back to the Birds, Ducks and Cobwebs

Well I'm up and awake sort of. I can truthfully say this is one more I could have stayed in bed a little longer but here I am. No rain or fog so far this morning, so all is good with my internet so far. A chance of showers for today. Off to work this morning, getting ready to switch some computers around and change our system. Thank goodness it's not me doing it or I'm sure one would go out the window. Larry and Lexi are spatting this morning, not sure why but I'm staying out of it!
Got Monday over with - YAH! I was busy, tired and hot all day. Skipped exercise to do some laundry and a bit of the weekend housework that didn't get done. Nipped out for a quick run around the hood, not much to offer except for mosquitoes which were out for blood and apparently lots of it by the looks of the welts on my legs when I got home. Larry's been up to the garden battling cabbage caterpillars - not a good thing, they are everywhere. Second night in the row he's come home with a bucket of peas to shell out. Looks like it's time to start freeze some for winter.
 The ducks fly off into the morning fog. I hear we lost one adult duck to an Eagle on the weekend. Nature at her cruelest.

 Looks like a young bird, I was originally thinking Northern Parula but not sure now.
 Will see if I can find him/her again.
 Monday was foggy, that's for sure.
 Quite an artist I think.
 Black and White Warbler I believe.
Mourning Dove sitting high in the evening sun. I call them Country Pigeons.
 And off they go again.

 These ones at least let me take a few pics before flying off. Guess the eagle has made everyone nervous.

Enjoy your day!

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