Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 185 - 3rd July 2013 - Flag, Fog and High Rising Water

Frustrated and aggravated this morning, been working on the book since 6am since I had no internet. Two hours on the phone with Eastlink last evening and finally found someone with a brain in that company. They knew there was an outage and our repeater tower was down, but no one had sense enough to send out repair people. Give me a break!! Anway money off my bill for this month and I didn't even have to fight for it, apparently my tone gave away my annoyance. Think Lexi and I need a run then back to indexing the book! Hoping today finishes it up, except a cover and to add a few photos which should be coming tomorrow.
Tuesday was really like Monday, that always seems to happen when you have a long weekend. Some days are easy to forget but never a Monday. It rained, it drizzled it was just yucky. I made a fashion statement in my rubber boots and shorts - not those designer rubber boots but the real ones - black with red soles like your Mom used to make you wear when you were a kid. I was "styling" as they say or just plain sexy! Tried a walk after supper around the hood but it was drizzling ...again so I didn't get much for photos. Hopefully the sun will shine again soon and I can get out for a good jaunt.  Had a message from one of my readers yesterday - concerned about my health because they could find the blog - sure I must be sick. Must have a been a glitch between the blog and facebook or the internet not sure which. Thanks Tom and Alice glad to have faithful followers. However, if Eastlink soon doesn't get their act together I may be committing a crime!
 A neighbour's Canadian Flag - looks good!
 The lake is rising quickly and I see lots of water in the woods, ditches and swamps.
 Pretty dismal looking, can't wait to see a beautiful sunrise again soon.
 Three more days it will continue to rise after it finishes raining, wonder how far up the chairs it will be.
 Water droplet from the trees in the lake - doesn't take much to amuse me.
 Patridgeberry, I almost missed this but could smell it's fragrance before looking down.
 A pair of Cedar Waxwings did favour me with their presence along the road on my way home.
Hopefully my lilies will bloom ok, rather than rot on their stems.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. My lilies have opened ;)but some are looking pretty "rain beaten". Glad you got internet however if you hadn't I would have gladly vented my frustration on your behalf. Sista I got your back!
