Hey it's Saturday, little dampish looking out there this morning. Lots to do today - grocery shopping, pay a few bills, laundry and I have some baking to do. Larry's brother and nephew are coming tomorrow and a request for cookies has been put out there. It's a shame it doesn't clear off, Ian loves to go fishing and it probably won't be fit. Now to keep Larry and Lexi out from under my feet today, umm.....wonder why kind of an inside project I can set those two at?
So my positive thinking kept clear skies yesterday and the sun actually came out! Since I was in early to work, I decided to take a break after getting things set up and head out with my camera around town before going to the Beandock for a tea. Had a good day at the office and we made a breakthrough on one project. Larry got the lawn mowed last evening after supper (well I should say after Coronation Street), still need to whipper snip but that was a job that needed to be done and it didn't start raining until after 8 pm. I roamed through the woods, didn't see much for birds but enjoyed the wildflowers that are springing forth.
Spotted this Song Sparrow in town.
Still some tulips in yards around town.
I know - I'm creeping yards again but in a good way - I love these decorative birdhouses.
Looks like these ones have past their prime.
Lupins on our road will soon be in bloom.
Lady Slippers are beginning to wake up.
One of my favs the Painted Trillium.
Enjoy your day folks!
Wow someone woke up in a cheerful mood. Not going to let this damp wet day dampen your spirits! Been to my garden loosened up some soil and ready to move three astibles which have been crowded by my hostas. Its actually much easier to weed when it is wet. Dug up two huge briar bulbs\roots fell on my butt when one finally broke clear. They are tough and resilient. Billy said the only way to get rid of them was to dig them up. Mission accomplished and a little upper body exercise at the same time. Off to get supper on the go ;)