I finished off the Bird Count yesterday with a yard full of Evening Grosbeaks and some of my regular feeders. It was really a nasty miserable morning but did clear off by lunch time although the wind was still up. I'm so glad I don't have to go to town on those kind of days, although Larry does but he isn't as bothered by it as I am. I did make him call me though once he got to work. I spent way too much time in the kitchen window with my camera but it was fun so what makes the difference. Did some household chores and then spent some time on my laptop doing some housecleaning there, burned off a couple of months of photos on to DVD's so I could delete them and free up memory and space. Still need to do more but am out of disks. I do periodically back everything up to an external hard drive.
Got some action shots - flying in and out of the feeding area.
Lexi and I got caught in the blowing snow.
Could hardly see across the lake.
A winter wonderland.
She has snowflakes on her eyes and beak.
The Evening Grosbeaks are off to another feeder I'm sure.
Just poured my second coffee. Enjoy your day.
Thank God for the photo of Lexi....my blog has gone to the birds! Our thoughts and prayers are with the lads and their families...and left the porch light on as well...it is times like this that community spirit is felt....get a lot accomplished today and immerse yourself in baking ;)