Woke up early to Tuesday morning, temperature is +11.4 and it's still too dark to know what the weather looks like this morning. Karen is gradually sending me back sections of Water St. When I checked the email this morning another one came through at almost 1am. This week I'll be able to start putting them together into book form. I see two hard long days of work for me laying out the book, and inserting photos. My goal is to have it off to the printer by the end of the month. That way he can do me a final proof copy and it can be indexed. I still have to think about a cover design as well. Decisions, decisions!The minute all that is done, I've got to sling a book launch together!
Monday was Monday, did get lots of work done. Really makes a difference having Colin in the office for summer. Certainly nice to have him back. Our days all seem the same, work, home, supper, get ready for work the next day! I did get out for a quick walk after supper, but the blackflies and mosquitoes seem to carry you away at that time of the day.

I finally managed to catch some Cedar Waxwings in the yard. They are a little blurry, but I'm working on that.

This one is a bit better. They are certainly pretty.

I think this is part of the family who lives in the power pole!

Looking down the harbour this morning, there was a thick wall of fog.

By lunch time it was much clearer!

I really dislike pigeons.

This nests is in our crabapple tree, but it doesn't look like anyone is using it. Of course it's next to the power pole, so perhaps that starlings have something to do with it.

I think this is really cool, looks almost like the daisy is unattached.
Well I must confess, I purchased a new camera, so if you see some blur here and there, it just means I've not quite got the hang of it yet. I've been using the auto settings right now, til I get the feel of it and figure out what the buttons are all about, but will soon switch over the manual mode. This will be my last camera purchase, told Larry he could bury me with this one [he says no, he'll keep it for himself!]. I can add lenses though in the future. The rest of the house is up and out, looks like daylight is arriving.
Enjoy your day!
I've always loved daisies.