It's been a while since I've shared some of the grandmother's journal entries, so I thought I'd take a peek and see what had been going on a few years ago.
Monday 4 June 1973: To town early, Kim stayed with us. Picked up Annie H. and her brother took them to welshtown. Lovely day. Saw a deer. Trees are beautiful now, all colors as nice as fall color I think. Home 7:30. I work mornings.
Tuesday 5th: Town early. Leaves most out, color lovely this morning. Very tired tonight, to bed early. Game on. [Baseball - my grandfather was a Boston Red Sox fan, and listened to it on the radio, they had no tv in the country - no power].
Wednesday 6th: Fine morning. To town early. Clouded over while playing golf. Had good afternoon. Saw bull moose at Beaver Dam. Pot luck supper not as good as usual.
I enjoy reading about the birds and wildlife she saw, when the planted the garden, harvested the apples and all the daily routine. It gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling of family. Usually my Mom and Dad are mentioned, or my brothers and myself, friends who are no longer with us anymore.
I caught this little fellow just about the time I should have been heading upstairs to get ready for work, but I couldn't resist taking a few moments for photos.
Well, the rest of the house will be up soon, so I must make good use of the my quiet time. Another coffee, and then on to read a few chapters of Water St. with my red pen in hand [just kidding Karen].
Enjoy your day!
I love it when you share your grandmother's journal entries and nice photos again. The ferns are pretty spectacular. I used to love it when the kids would bing me dandelions and Jacki would place ferns with them trying to copy a bouquet of flowers her father had brought me. have a good day
Glad to have stirred some memories for you!