Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 177- 30th June 2017 - Mist, Mallards and Peonies

Here we are saying good bye to June, so where did the month go. It's flown by so quickly! The bus tour went well, what a great group of people. Love when they actually ask questions and interact rather than just follow along. So much more interesting. No pretty sunrise this morning, just a grey, overcast sky. Rain is on the way. Hoping Saturday or Sunday breaks with a little sunshine since I'm off. The birds are singing softly, last night I sat on the deck before dark and enjoyed the haunting melody of the Hermit Thrush - my favourite song bird. I look forward to their return every year and there are a number of them in the hood.
 Mist rising from the lake.
 Mallards waiting along the shoreline for breakfast.
The Peonies are blooming, such  a vibrant color.

Enjoy your day!

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