Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 205 - 23rd July 2016 - Harmony Bazaar - Heather Rankin, Holly Carr and Doris Mason

I'm a little late this morning but only because last night was a late one and I've actually slept til just after 6 am. Much needed! Tammy and I had a great evening in Lockeport - albeit a cold one. She lucked in and found her winter jacket in the trunk of her car - yes it was that cold! Seriously if you missed Heather Ranking and Holly Carr  you really missed a great performance. Heather belted out tunes both old and new while Holly worked behind a screen on stage creating a piece of art inspired by the music. It was awesome. We didn't get there until around 7 so missed some of the earlier ones. Christina Martin, Linda McLean were great singers and we always love hearing Doris Mason who just puts you in the festival mood with her keyboard and fab voice. Since my internet is hinky this morning, I can't get all my pics loaded - more tomorrow! Some housework and a roam around the hood, then groceries and off to Lockeport again with Tammy later this afternoon.
 Heather Rankin was awesome!
Holly Carr - artist at work on the stage.

Doris Mason

Enjoy your day!


  1. I think I may pack the woolies for tonight! So worth it to see Heather and the others though.

  2. The profile shot of Heather is phenomenal!
