Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 317 - 12th November 2013 - Rain Drops, Bald Eagle and Golden Crowned Kinglets

A dreamed filled night but at least I stayed in bed until 5 am. It's raining out this morning and the weather forecast says changing to snow flurries later today. Temperature is +6.3, it will have to drop to produce some snow flakes I would think. Guess I'll finish off the one small section of the kitchen I didn't get done yesterday and do some baking. I'm being nagged so maybe some Pumpkin Whoppie Pies.
It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a person. I got a lot of things accomplished yesterday. So the laundry room is cleaned out, along with some of Larry's work clothes that have seen better days and I got another section of the kitchen done. Lexi and I did our normal roam of the hood, but on our way back in the morning I spied a big bird flying between the lakes. I knew it was too big for crow or raven, all I could think was Eagle. Well Lexi got parked in the house pretty quick and I scooted up the road, sure enough after a little more hunting I found him again and he was a Bald Eagle. Leftovers made supper easy. I headed off to exercise class last evening and Larry went to play darts.
 Lots of water droplets on all the branches after the rain.
 This was the most of the sun we saw yesterday. The day remained dismal and grey.

 Like dancing blink on the grasses.
 Spied a Bald Eagle again in the area, wish I could get closer!

And a flock of Golden-crowned Kinglets were around as well.

Chickadee found a bit of suet left.

Enjoy your day!

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