Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 270 - 26th September 2013 - Mist, Reflections, Colors, Mushrooms and Birds

Thursday, temperature is +10.1, not too bad, few stars are still out but it looks cloudy - well what you can tell since it's still dark. Seems our lovely fur child, Lexi has an ear infection - so I guess I've got to tackle cleaning her ears before  I go to work this morning. Joy - she doesn't mind ointment put in them but really protests at any liquid/drops. Always a good day to start the day, will get Larry to help me wrestle her down for that job. Thinking it will be a good day, although they are giving a chance of showers. I've got an appointment with the new Doctor - nothing serious, thought since I'm a new patient I better check her out. Never hurts to have a meet and greet. Hopefully she's good and stays around for more than 5 minutes.
I had a full work day on my day off. Got the cobwebs and some dust beat down, floors swept, etc etc. Laundry caught up. I even managed a few trips around the hood. Pretty quiet though, guessing a lot of the summer birds are moving on. Before too long there will be others here that I can enjoy through the winter months. It was kind of an odd day on the weather front - dark clouds in one direction, blue sky in another then drizzle. Can't say it ever got really warm, but then it is that time of year. We've put it off as long as we could but after supper it was time for heat. It's the first night I've really been bothered by the chill, guess because the house didn't get warmed up by the sun today. Larry cleaned the chimney ( I told him that on the weekend but I said nothing tonight - like a good wife!) and he put the oil on just to run that for a bit, sure tomorrow night we will have a wood fire.
Misty  morning on the lake.
 Off into the mist they fly.

 Lake was calm, just one red branch in this reflection.
 I think these are Turkey Tail mushrooms.
 My little buddy the Hermit Thrush.

 More colors.
 The White breasted Nuthatch, he'll be here all winter.
Song Sparrow eyeing up those berries.

Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. have an awesome day...mine is busy busy busy and I may or may not have time for Mr. Bob Murphy from CBC morning...I have not the time nor the patience to be a ploy in anyone's politcal game!! May have to sneak off to Bridgewater to pick up Billys birthday present ....nothing grand like he got me but you know he has me what more could he ask for (that made you smile and perhaps wet your pants)
