Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 244 - 31st August 2016 - Sunlight and a Dory Launch

Well good bye to August, can't believe another month has flown by. Cooler this morning - the cool nights feel good after the heat of the day. Today is my long day, I go in with Larry this morning so will roam the waterfront. Had a great day at work Monday, so fabulous to work with such good people. The Dory Shop launched a new Dory yesterday morning and the Dory Maker and his Assistant were generous enough to take us all out for a row in the Harbour. Beautiful day for it and was happy I had taken Big B. to work so I could get some photos of the event.

A little sun coming through the trees.
So the first step - moving out the loft.
All hands help out above and below
Almost down
And the first time in the water. She moves good, think she'll make a great racer.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 243 - 30th August 2016 - Canoe, Ferns and Red-Tail Hawk

Kind of a dreary morning with thunder around 11 am and a little rain around noon. Any amount is better than none and it dampened the grass and garden. Although after watering the garden all summer we are now battling the deer which is unusual for us. On Sunday between 4pm and 6 pm they decided to help themselves again, these ones don't even wait for the cover of darkness. Overall a good day off, got some things accomplished around the house, some meal prep and chased cobwebs. I killed enough spiders that it should rain for a month - just trying to do my part! Birds were scarce - a few Red-Eyed Vireos, Northern Parulas and a Chestnut Sided Warbler which was lurking in the bushes.  Back to work today!

Always a good day for a paddle

A few pinkish clouds danced across the lake

Ferns are beginning to die off.
Red-Tail Hawk checking out something over the lake.

Enjoy your day!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Day 242 - 29th August 2016 - Red-Eyed Vireo, Sailboat and Calenula

My day off, think I'll take a couple of hours and roam the hood this morning then crack on with the housework and cooking for this week. Yesterday didn't yield me much but time wasn't with me as usual. I found a couple of Red-Eyed Vireos and that was it. Had to get back and ready for work. Still no rain in sight - just a chance of a shower here or there during the week. Larry made some progress on the renos over the weekend, although we've had to make a few changes in our original layout due to space but nothing earth shattering.  If I still have time left today, need continue going through photos for the calendar.
Red-Eyed Vireo

 Beautiful morning on the Harbour.
The Calendula are blooming in the garden at work

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 241 - 28th August 2016 - Reflections, Flowers and a Palm Warbler

Stars are all out, air feels cool this morning. A very nice start to the day. Once again no rain in sight. Larry's going to cook a turkey while I'm at work today - will be easy meals this week, since I'm off Monday then have a long stretch of days on. It seems a deer visited our garden the other night, some of our swiss chard and beans are missing. Obviously not a local one as they all know the rules - wait til the apples are ready!
Saturday I got out for a quick roam, thick fog over the lake but it cleared rapidly. A few birds around - Common Yellowthroat, Palm Warblers, Chickadees, Song and Swamp Sparrows. It was a beautiful morning - wish I had more time. Always seems I'm grasping a few minutes here and there for birding, never really spending any quality time enjoying nature these days. Oh well it is what it is and I'll get it figured out by next year. Maybe it will just make me appreciate nature even more. So we took a drive to Upper Clyde to visit friends last evening but they weren't home. Did see a few birds and a couple of deer on our travels including a Red-Tailed Hawk.
A little sun reflecting in the lake

A beautiful morning walk

 Flowers are nearly spent
 The Loyalist Flag flies high on Dock St.
Nasturtiums in the herb garden.

A little action from a Palm Warbler

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Day 240 - 27th August 2016 - Daisy, Black Throated Blue Warbler and Hummingbird

Sky is lit up with stars and a sliver of the moon. Air feels a little less humid - that's a good thing. A Loon calls off in the lake. Working today, but for now will enjoy a little quiet time before the house wakes up and things get going. Larry is going to work on renos while I'm off to work. Think I'll find time for a quick jaunt around the hood.
So by late morning the sky was grey and overcast - we waited and waited for rain and by late afternoon we got about 11 raindrops. Once again we missed out and there is no real amount in the forecast. Looks like another dry week heading into the first of September. Decent day at work, although visitors are slow, it's a transitional time I think. People are starting to get children prepped for school and retired folks will begin travelling again after the long weekend. I continued on an inventory project, which also involves some research. Love finding out what those old neat artifacts are all about.
 Daisy - those plants that grow along the road side, don't seem to suffer from the drought like our garden does.
 Hummingbird. This one is a bit feisty, the last time I saw her she was chasing a Magnolia Warbler

 Female Black Throated Blue Warbler -she gave me a run around
 Palm Warbler

Enjoy your day!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Day 239 - 26th August 2016 - Waterlily, Magnolia Warbler and Blue Headed Vireo

Back to work today and thank goodness  I have a hair appointment after. I always wait til I'm just about ready to pull it out!  Fingers crossed for some rain later too. Well is still holding, hasn't moved in the last few weeks but we are super careful about not wasting water.
Had a good day on Thursday. Roamed the hood - as usual, did a few things around the house, muffins done for next week, roast and veggies in the slow cooker for supper. Spent some time going through photos on the computer for a new calendar. Sure sign of summer drawing to a close -the male Hummingbird left Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. All that's left is the females and young ones and you really need a hard hat to sit on the deck these days.
 Finally I got in a position to get a good shot at the Waterlily

Magnolia Warbler

Blue Headed Vireo

 Black & White Warbler
Red-Eyed Vireo

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Day 238 - 25th August 2016 - Rock, Palm Warbler and Golden Crowned Kinglet

Off again today, pretty quiet out there this morning, not many stars in the sky. Going to throw a roast in the slow cooker with some potatoes and carrots from the garden. Love having the fresh produce. Then places to go and things to do - going to be another good day!
Lovely day off. Worked hard to find a few birds this morning, but did see a couple of Golden Crown Kinglets mixed in with some Northern Parulas, Red-Eye Vireos and Palm Warblers. As crazy as it sounds I decided to make a batch of brown bread rolls - yes even in the heat occasionally I get the urge to bake. A couple saved for Larry and I, the rest given away. By mid afternoon was ready for a swim so stopped and dragged Lois away from her housework. The water is a little cooler when you first get in but so very refreshing. Lately I've been grumbling about no new birds but as I walked  the private road back home, 4 little Palm Warblers came out, flitting along in front and beside me. It was a cool feeling. By that time the day had flown by, did up supper consisting of a couple of pieces of salmon, fresh swiss chard and beans from the garden.

I climbed along the shore of another point and discovered this rock. Pretty neat looking.

Sparrow got breakfast.

Palm Warblers are everywhere

Love watching the mist rise up off of the water

Not great shots but - Golden Crowned Kinglets

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 237 - 24th August 2016 - Magnolia Warbler, Black & White Warbler and Palm Warbler

Another cool fresh morning. Stars are all out shining brightly. Not a sound - no Owls or Loons calling yet. Daylight comes later now in the morning and darkness earlier in the evening. The weeks are morphing into months and August will soon be over. Won't be long and the school bus will be making it's trips up and down the road numerous times during the day. Well I'm off today and tomorrow, will make a stab at some housework, the renovation is creating mess and dust, but I guess that's part of progress.
A lovely Tuesday, nice breeze, clear air and sunshine. I'm sure though everyone would really like more rain. Didn't  find much on my morning walk until I was near the end and spotted a few Warblers and Ruffed Grouse. Had better luck when  got home at supper time checking out the apple trees in the yard. Nice day at work, lovely visitors from various places.

Magnolia Warbler

Black & White Warbler
The Palm Warblers like to hang out in the pole beans
Morning coming through the trees

Saw two deer but the other one was in the woods by the time I got my camera up.This one wasn't interested in me.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Day 236 - 23rd August 2016 - Common Yellowthroat Warbler, Cranberries and Northern Parula

Beautiful star lit morning out there. The wind last evening has blown the humidity out and it's cool and crisp. Almost, dare I say - has a feeling of autumn. Cool nights and warm days are my favourite. Work today, it should be a little more comfortable with our numerous layers of clothes. 
Even though Monday started off in thick fog, turned to high humidity, dark skies and a shower or two before supper it was a great day off. Quiet morning walk, found a few birds out on the main road. Did some cooking, a load of laundry (hold my breath every time that the well will continue) and some light housework. When the rain started I put on my swim suit and showered on the deck, even managed to wash my hair. It felt so good! Much better than the scant amount I'm using everyday! Found a red tomato in the garden, they are starting to ripen but won't be terribly big like other years. The daily watering is keeping things growing.
Common Yellowthroat Warbler

Northern Parula
I'm surprised with the lack of rain how well the cranberries in the ditch are doing. Looks like it might be a good year for them.

Red-Eyed Vireo

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 235 - 22nd August 2016 - Red-Eyed Vireo, Morning Reflections and Northern Parula

I could really go for a cool clear day with no humidity although rain would be appreciated - never hurts to ask!  Small chance of showers today -  guess we'll have to wait and see. Day off - but lots to do - muffins for the lunch boxes (which I normally do on Sunday) to get done, some lunch box prep for the rest of the week and maybe next week. Have to pay some bills, do some housework, yeah I know it's all pretty darn exciting. Yesterday morning was one of the quietest walks I've had. No matter how I pished, chirped or tweeted there weren't any birds coming out on the private road. Eventually I found a few back out on the main road close to home.

Red-Eyed Vireo
The sun was lazy and hazy

and played across the water

Northern Parula

Arrived home from my walk to find a Junco hanging out in the yard.

Enjoy your day!

Day 234 - 21st August 2016 - Chickadee, Northern Parula and Black & White Warbler

Sunday - another work day, no doubt it will be hot again.  This week doesn't look favourable for rain either - a few millimeters tomorrow and maybe later. Sure not going to do much for the wells and water ways. Must try for a quick jaunt this morning before heading to town. Seeing lots of the same old things - Chickadees, Northern Parula, Yellow Rumped Warblers, Palm and Black & White Warblers and Red Eyed Vireos. I should have taken Big B. to work yesterday - the lilac bushes were full of Yellow Warblers, Palm Warblers and Red Eyed Vireos at lunch time.
Managed to squeeze in an hour around the hood yesterday morning before picking up groceries and going to work. Guess it pays to get up early. A fairly busy day, lots of great people in but I still had some time to get a few other things done. Larry got the old floor ripped up (needs to be leveled - joy of old houses) in the new bathroom so I came home to a gaping hole in the floor but he got it covered before nightfall.  I went for a walk and had a lazy evening.
Black & White Warbler

Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Northern Parula

Enjoy your day!