The sun broke out by lunch time, but try as it might it still didn't feel very warm. There were a few snow flurries in the morning, the soft, big flakes kind that just drift down. You can almost make out the individual flakes and shapes. Not sure what we will do when the real winter arrives. Lexi and I braved the cold and got out for some good jaunts. I puttered around the house and did some baking. Finished off the first batch of cherries and made cinnamon rolls. Thought it would be brilliant to make biscuits to go with supper - well they were one step up from my normal hockey pucks. Maybe I'll just leave those to Larry in the future he does a much better job! He was late when he got home, so it was supper, the tub and then bed for him. This will be our routine for a bit. Just the regulars at the feeder, no one new, but I wish that Red-winged Black bird would return.
A bit of pink in the sky.
Which reflected in the water.
A nice welcome.
A dusting of snow.
My door wreath.
It appears we have a Goldfinch with a white spot on his head.
It's great when they share and get along.
Enjoy your day!